Thursday, September 13, 2007

Resignation of Committee Members: 13.09.2007

Dear Fellow Bedok Court Subsidiary Proprietors

The present situation:
Mr. Freddie Khoo has resigned on 10.09.2007 due to work commitments and personal reasons
Mr. Allen Walters has resigned on 11.09.2007 due to business commitments
After the 18.09.2007 meeting, Mr. Ghalid Awang will resign from the Sale Committee due to overseas assignment.
We thank Mr. Freddie Khoo, Mr. Allen Walters and Mr. Ghalid Awang for their contributions.

Due to the above resignations, the Sale Committee workload shared will be heavier.

To all Pro-enbloc SPs, PLEASE come forward to render your time and services so that we could march forward together towards a FAIR & SUCCESSFUL collective sale of Bedok Court Condo.
Kindly contact the following if you have any comment or inquiry:
  1. Heng Hock Heng (hp: 90070072,
  2. K Tanapalan (hp: 98716989,
  3. Laurence Pang (
  4. Paul Lim (
  5. Cheng Ah Lain (
  6. Walklin Russell (

Date: 13.09.2007